The Magazine published 58 issues over more than two years on a wide variety of subjects of interest to curious people. It ceased publication on December 18, 2014.
The Magazine was funded entirely by subscribers.
The Magazine ceased publication on December 18, 2014 with Issue #58. See our FAQ for more details.
You can purchase our complete archives, almost 300 articles, as a DRM-free ebook in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats, published August 2015.
In this issue Previous issue | Next Issue
Small Instruction Set

CoderDojo promotes self-directed learning and local mentors to help kids teach themselves to program.
Spinning Round and Round

A Danish traveler seeks to visit every country — because he can.
Heart Strings

A classical guitar maker grows in Brooklyn.
Previous issue (2014-04-10, #40) | Next Issue ( 2014-05-08, #42)